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Treate Posix style FilePath on Windows

Moderators: kris

Posted: 10/18/07 03:52:24

Some time, we recive file path from Posix server, or send file path to Posix file path. but seems no way to treate Posix style file path on Windows :

auto s = FilePath(r"/a/b/c.txt");
Cout(s.parent).newline;  //print nothing

my solution is:


char[] parent(char[] fullname)
out (result)
    assert(result.length <= fullname.length);
    uint i;

    for (i = fullname.length; i > 0; i--)
            if (fullname[i - 1] == ':')
            if (fullname[i - 1] == '\\')
            {   i--;
            if (fullname[i - 1] == '/')//to support server path, by 20070718
            {   i--;
            if (fullname[i - 1] == '/')
            {   i--;
    return fullname[0 .. i];
debug(UnitTest) unittest
	char[] p = "/a/b/c.txt";
	p = parent(p);
	assert(p == "/a/b");
Author Message

Posted: 10/18/07 04:22:19

auto s = FilePath(r"/a/b/c.txt", true);

Posted: 10/18/07 04:55:13

thanks. I got it:

auto s = FilePath(r"/a/b/c.txt", true);
Cout(s.pop.replace('\\', '/')).newline;  //print /a/b

since / can not be part of directory name on Windows, how about treat / as \ on Windows , then s.parent should be "/a/b".

Posted: 10/18/07 05:54:49 -- Modified: 10/18/07 06:00:30 by

the second argument to the ctor should change all '/' to '\', and then there's no problem at all ... if you're then going to send it back, flip the path-separators before you do. The effort to support both styles on Win32 is just not worth it :)

Posted: 02/24/08 03:06:23

Tango always normalizes paths to '/' usage these days, due to pressure from the VFS implementation