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Building mde



  1. tango (at least r3697)
  2. derelict (at least r300)


  1. Sdl
  2. FreeType? 2.3.5 (2.3.0 may work; older versions won't).
  3. OpenGL 1.3 or higher

Build instructions

dsss build
bin/mde or bin\mde

Note that mde could be run from a directory other than the base directory used for building, if the data files were installed to standard locations (currently unix only) or path options were used. However, I won't go into either of these for now.

Running the unit tests

The binary is modified to stop after the unittests have completed. Running dsss clean between builds with different options is necessary.

dsss clean
dsss build -debug -debug=mdeUnitTest -C-unittest
bin/mde or bin\mde