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  1. A few notes about mde

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Welcome to mde

Mde is an attempt at making a game engine. However, instead of starting with the graphics like many game engines, mde has started with some of the mechanisms needed within the engine (see Features).

A few notes about mde

Well, the existing code doesn't do nearly enough yet to constitute a game. So be warned, you're looking at a very young and incomplete project.

I think the question I've been asked most about this (and my previous) game project, is what genre is it for? Right now that question isn't very relevant, and as far as is reasonable I don't intend to specialise the project. But it's definitely intended for first-person real-time 3D games.

Also, I am not intending to build a game, but just a game engine. I have plenty of ideas for games, but I am not an artist, nor do I have a team behind me. Thus I, myself, am not likely to implement any more than game demos, if even that.