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Ticket #90 (new defect)

Opened 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

Color for type identifiers

Reported by: Anonymous Assigned to: sagitario
Priority: minor Component: Language Service
Version: 0.3.30 Keywords:


Would it be possible to have a separate color setting for types? It seems like the parser would know when an identifier refers to a type (though my knowledge of the D grammar is limited). The only place I can see this being an issue is in template arguments, where an identifier could be a variable or a type, and so on...

Change History

(follow-up: ↓ 2 ) 01/01/12 22:37:24 changed by sagitario

There are a lot of places where the parser cannot decide whether an identifier is a type (e.g. in T.sizeof, T can be a type or a variable), it needs full semantic analysis to determine that.

(in reply to: ↑ 1 ) 10/05/12 06:17:09 changed by Anonymous

Replying to sagitario:

There are a lot of places where the parser cannot decide whether an identifier is a type (e.g. in T.sizeof, T can be a type or a variable), it needs full semantic analysis to determine that.

How about this workaround: make a menu item to add the selected text to the list of colored types in Tools->Options->Text Editor->D->Colorizer. Then the user can simply select the name of his custom type, click this menu-item or click a shortcut for it, and he it gets the "type" coloring.