Welcome to dLisp
DLisp is an implementation of a Lisp dialect written in D, to leverage the build-in memory management and hash-table support of the associative arrays.
DLisp can be used as a scripting language for other applications. Learning tool for the Lisp-way of programming. And as an environment for writing small applications.
Project Status
Since the last update to the SVN by PeyloW was made on 2006-03-28 ([51]), this project is probably not active. Also, there is a topic in the forum that has some simple suggestions for updating the source that hasn't been responded to by PeyloW (the administrator of the project).
According to a Sat Jun 14, 2008 post, phoku released version o.100.o of dLISP, the LISP interpreter for D at https://code.google.com/p/iteration-zero/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2FdLISP%2Fdlisp.
Notable Features
- Powerful list processing
- Powerful macros
- Speed, yes DLisp is a very fast interpreted Lisp implementation
- Easy to extend
Starting Points
- Documentation
- DLisp forum
- TracGuide -- Built-in Documentation
For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.