Joined: 12 Oct 2005 Posts: 14 Location: Sweden
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 9:39 am Post subject: Update 2006-01-01 |
No access to internet but some free time, so allot of work has been done. Too much to write here, boosted from version 0.1 to 0.8 (Admittedly I have not updated the version number much). Lets just add the major changes:
* Objectified! Two classes to worry about; Environment for binding values, functions and external objects. And DLisp that parses and evaluates code and tree lists using a shared or private Environment instance.
* Lots, and lots of new predefined functions.
* Lots and lots of bug fixes and "undefined behaviours" that are now defined.
* Support for `and , quotes in syntax for parser and at evaluation, for better and more Common Lisp like macros.
Well for more info see CHANGES, now let me write down what is missing for the 1.0 release:
Required for 0.9 -
* More list functions; distinct, union, intersect, difference, sort, and map.
* More numeric functions; min, max, avg, median and abs.
Required for 1.0 beta -
* Implement externaly bound objects (int, float and string).
* Write libdlisp, as C bindings.
Required for 1.0 gold -
* Write test cases for *all* predefined functions.
* Rewrite documentation for *all* predefined functions.
* Write documentation for using dLISP as embedding scripting engine.
* Eradicate all known bugs, and irritating behaviour.
And yes, this list is it. Apart from the documentation it should be finished in two good sittings. But as always the last 10? of a project is 90? of the development effort . |