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Joined: 18 May 2006 Posts: 5
Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 11:12 am Post subject: Primitive Calendar and Date Picker Controls |
Hello all, after some work I've managed to come up with a no frills calendar and date picker controls. They can be made much better, but they work for me.
Code: |
// Written By Kenneth Bogert
private import dfl.all;
private import dfl.winapi;
private import;
class Calendar : Panel {
static char [][] monstrs = [
"December" ];
protected void onHandleCreated(EventArgs ea){
backButton = new Button();
backButton.parent = this;
backButton.text = "<";
backButton.bounds = dfl.base.Rect(3, 3, 15, 15); ~= &this.backMonth;
forwardButton = new Button();
forwardButton.parent = this;
forwardButton.text = ">"; ~= &this.forwardMonth;
forwardButton.bounds = dfl.base.Rect(183, 3, 15, 15);
monthYear = new Label();
monthYear.bounds = dfl.base.Rect(15, 3, 168, 15);
monthYear.textAlign = dfl.base.ContentAlignment.MIDDLE_CENTER;
monthYear.parent = this;
foreach (int i, Label l; weekDays) {
weekDays[i] = new Label();
with (weekDays[i]) {
bounds = dfl.base.Rect(i * 28 + 3, 20, 28, 15);
textAlign = dfl.base.ContentAlignment.MIDDLE_CENTER;
parent = this;
text = daystr[(i * 3) .. (i * 3 + 3)];
foreach (int i, Label b; days) {
with (days[i] = new Label()) {
bounds = dfl.base.Rect((i * 28) ? 196 + 3, 15 * (i / 7) + 38, 28, 15);
parent = this;
click ~= &daySelect;
textAlign = dfl.base.ContentAlignment.MIDDLE_CENTER;
_selectedDayBackColor = Color(128, 128, 128);
_unselectedDayForeColor = Color(0, 0, 128);
_otherMonthDayForeColor = Color(128, 128, 128);
d_time selectedDay() {
return startingDay + (cast(long)_selectedDay * msPerDay);
void selectedDay(d_time d) {
month = MonthFromTime(d);
year = YearFromTime(d);
void selectedDayMod(int amount) {
if (_selectedDay + amount < 0) {
d_time oldDay = selectedDay();
backMonth(null, EventArgs.empty);
oldDay += amount * msPerDay;
daySelect(days[_selectedDay], EventArgs.empty);
} else if (_selectedDay + amount >= days.length) {
d_time oldDay = selectedDay();
forwardMonth(null, EventArgs.empty);
oldDay += amount * msPerDay;
daySelect(days[_selectedDay], EventArgs.empty);
} else
daySelect(days[_selectedDay + amount], EventArgs.empty);
Color selectedDayBackColor() {
return _selectedDayBackColor;
void selectedDayBackColor(Color c) {
_selectedDayBackColor = c;
Color unselectedDayForeColor() {
return _unselectedDayForeColor;
void unselectedDayForeColor(Color c) {
_unselectedDayForeColor = c;
Color otherMonthDayForeColor() {
return _otherMonthDayForeColor;
void otherMonthDayForeColor(Color c) {
_otherMonthDayForeColor = c;
bool selectedDay3D() {
return _selectedDay3D;
void selectedDay3D(bool b) {
_selectedDay3D = b;
EventHandler daySelected;
bool _selectedDay3D;
Button backButton;
Button forwardButton;
Label monthYear;
Label [7] weekDays;
Label [42] days;
int _selectedDay;
d_time startingDay;
d_time firstOfMonth;
d_time endOfMonth;
int month;
int year;
Color _selectedDayBackColor;
Color _unselectedDayForeColor;
Color _otherMonthDayForeColor;
void updateDisplay() {
// calculate the starting day;
if (backButton) {
monthYear.text = monstrs[month] ~ " " ~ std.string.toString(year);
d_time startDate = startingDay;
foreach (int i, Label b; days) {
with (days[i]) {
int dft = DateFromTime(startDate);
text = (dft < 10 ? " " : "") ~ std.string.toString(dft);
if (_selectedDay3D) {
if (i == _selectedDay) {
borderStyle = dfl.base.BorderStyle.FIXED_3D;
} else {
borderStyle = dfl.base.BorderStyle.NONE;
} else {
if (i == _selectedDay) {
backColor = _selectedDayBackColor;
} else {
backColor = SystemColors.control;
if (startDate < firstOfMonth || startDate >= endOfMonth) {
foreColor = _otherMonthDayForeColor;
} else {
foreColor = _unselectedDayForeColor;
startDate += msPerDay;
void daySelect(Object sender, EventArgs ea) {
foreach (int i, Label b; days) {
if (sender == b) {
_selectedDay = i;
d_time theDay = startingDay + (cast(long)_selectedDay * msPerDay);
int newMonth = MonthFromTime(theDay);
if (newMonth != month) {
if (newMonth > month + 2) //went back a year
year --;
if (newMonth < month - 2) //went forward a year
year ++;
month = newMonth;
daySelected(this, EventArgs.empty);
void forwardMonth(Object sender, EventArgs ea) {
month ++;
if (month > 11) {
month = 0;
year ++;
void backMonth(Object sender, EventArgs ea) {
month --;
if (month < 0) {
month = 11;
year --;
void calcSelectedDay(d_time d) {
// from a month, year, and absolute date, figure out which square is selected
_selectedDay = (d - startingDay) / msPerDay;
void calcStartingDay() {
// from a month and year calc the absolute date of the first day to display in the array
firstOfMonth = TimeFromYear(year) + (cast(d_time)mdays[month] + (month >= 1 ? LeapYear(year) : 0 )) * msPerDay;
endOfMonth = TimeFromYear(month == 11 ? year + 1 : year) + (cast(d_time)mdays[(month+1) ? 12] + ((month + 1) ? 12 >= 1 ? LeapYear(year) : 0) ) * msPerDay;
startingDay = firstOfMonth - (cast(long)WeekDay(firstOfMonth) * msPerDay);
protected override void dispose() {
foreach (int i, Label l; weekDays) {
foreach (int i, Label b; days) {
class DatePicker : Panel {
protected void onHandleCreated(EventArgs ea){
t = new TextBox();
t.bounds = dfl.base.Rect(0, 0, this.bounds.width - 27, 24);
t.parent = this; ~= &toggleCalendar;
t.keyPress ~= &textBoxKeyPress;
t.keyUp ~= &textBoxKeyUp;
t.textChanged ~= &textBoxChange;
b = new Button();
b.bounds = dfl.base.Rect(this.bounds.width - 26, 0, 22, 24);
b.parent = this; ~= &toggleCalendar;
b.text = "Ȇ";
b.font = new dfl.drawing.Font("WingDings", 9f, dfl.drawing.FontStyle.REGULAR);
b.tabStop = false;
myCal = new Calendar();
myCal.visible = false;
myCal.bounds = dfl.base.Rect(0, 25, 203, 130);
myCal.daySelected ~= &closeDropDown;
myCal.parent = this;
myCal.borderStyle = dfl.base.BorderStyle.FIXED_SINGLE;
myCal.backColor = SystemColors.control;
date = UTCtoLocalTime(getUTCtime());
d_time date() {
return _date;
void date(d_time d) {
_date = d;
myCal.selectedDay = d;
bool isValid() {
return _isValid;
Calendar myCal;
d_time _date;
TextBox t;
Button b;
Rect origSize;
bool _isValid;
bool _textBoxParseFlag = false;
bool _closeOnSelect = true;
void isValid(bool v) {
_isValid = v;
if (v) {
t.backColor = dfl.drawing.SystemColors.window;
} else {
t.backColor = Color(200, 0, 0);
void writeDate() {
_textBoxParseFlag = false;
t.text = std.string.toString(MonthFromTime(_date) + 1) ~ "/" ~ std.string.toString(DateFromTime(_date)) ~ "/" ~ std.string.toString(YearFromTime(_date));
isValid = true;
_textBoxParseFlag = true;
void closeDropDown(Object sender, EventArgs ea) {
_date = myCal.selectedDay;
if (_closeOnSelect) toggleCalendar(sender, ea);
void toggleCalendar(Object sender, EventArgs ea) {
myCal.visible = ! myCal.visible;
if (myCal.visible) {
origSize = this.bounds;
Rect newSize = this.bounds;
if (this.bounds.width < myCal.bounds.width) newSize.width = myCal.bounds.width;
if (this.bounds.height + 25 < myCal.bounds.height) newSize.height = myCal.bounds.height + 25;
this.bounds = newSize;
} else {
this.bounds = origSize;
void textBoxKeyUp(Object sender, KeyEventArgs ea) {
if (ea.keyCode == Keys.ESCAPE) {
if (myCal.visible)
toggleCalendar(sender, EventArgs.empty);
ea.handled = true;
} else if ( ea.keyCode == Keys.ENTER) {
toggleCalendar(sender, EventArgs.empty);
void textBoxChange(Object sender, EventArgs ea) {
if (_textBoxParseFlag) {
d_time d =;
if (d != d_time_nan) {
date = d;
isValid = true;
} else {
isValid = false;
// if (myCal.visible) toggleCalendar(sender, ea); // remove when ctrl-space is controlled ?
void textBoxKeyPress(Object sender, KeyEventArgs ea) {
if (ea.control && ea.keyCode == Keys.SPACEBAR) {
toggleCalendar(sender, EventArgs.empty);
ea.handled = true; // ??? Not working?
} else if (myCal.visible) {
if (ea.keyCode == Keys.LEFT) {
_closeOnSelect = false;
myCal.selectedDayMod = -1;
_closeOnSelect = true;
ea.handled = true;
} else if (ea.keyCode == Keys.RIGHT) {
_closeOnSelect = false;
myCal.selectedDayMod = 1;
_closeOnSelect = true;
ea.handled = true;
} else if (ea.keyCode == Keys.UP) {
_closeOnSelect = false;
myCal.selectedDayMod = -7;
_closeOnSelect = true;
ea.handled = true;
} else if (ea.keyCode == Keys.DOWN) {
_closeOnSelect = false;
myCal.selectedDayMod = 7;
_closeOnSelect = true;
ea.handled = true;
protected override void dispose() {
Thanks for all the hard work everyone has put into DFL,
- kdb
Last edited by kbogert on Thu May 18, 2006 12:46 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Chris Miller
Joined: 27 Mar 2004 Posts: 514 Location: The Internet
Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 11:49 am Post subject: Re: Primitive Calendar and Date Picker Controls |
Cool! I tested it and it looks better than I expected. I can't figure out what is on the date picker button, though.
What license is this code? May I suggest the zlib/libpng license - and if you want, I'll put the code with the DFL addons, and perhaps in with DFL itself at some point.
- Chris |
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Joined: 18 May 2006 Posts: 5
Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 12:09 pm Post subject: Re: Primitive Calendar and Date Picker Controls |
ZLib license sounds good, Add-ons sounds good and I'd be very happy if you did decide to include it with DFL one day.
As for the button, I was at a loss as to what to put on there. What should be displayed now is a wingdings curving down arrow. Looks like it got screwed up in the upload.
I was thinking about putting an image on it but that would have been a slight pain to distribute. Also was thinking about programatically drawing a little calendar on it, maybe in the future.
- kdb |
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Chris Miller
Joined: 27 Mar 2004 Posts: 514 Location: The Internet
Posted: Sat May 20, 2006 12:09 pm Post subject: Re: Primitive Calendar and Date Picker Controls |
Add-on posted:
The new button symbol you gave me didn't work either, but I figured out what you wanted to do and used "\u00CA" |
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Joined: 23 Apr 2009 Posts: 4
Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:16 pm Post subject: Re: Primitive Calendar and Date Picker Controls |
this is a great tool, thinks.
is there a caldate base on tango version?
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