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Ticket #73 (new enhancement)

Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

Refactor feature

Reported by: Anonymous Assigned to: sagitario
Priority: major Component: Language Service
Version: Keywords:


Since D doesn't suck, it is actually possible to resolve all instances of a class/variable/method throughout the code (this information may already be present in the browse info database?)

It would be awesome to be able to select some name, 'right click->refactor', and have it be renamed throughout the project, or something to that effect.

C# has a fantastic refactor tool as described, and it is super handy as variables are often named poorly when created, and renamed as their specific purpose becomes more clear with time.

Change History

(follow-up: ↓ 2 ) 11/04/11 10:01:22 changed by sagitario

The browse info is rather incomplete, it especially does not contain information about the type of identifiers when used inside functions or expressions.

Refactoring tools need complete and accurate information to not cause more harm than good, so it is not easy to get it right. So implementing it is a long term goal...

(in reply to: ↑ 1 ) 12/04/11 01:11:06 changed by Anonymous

No problem, obviously this isn't high priority. Just making sure it was listed here for the record :)

If a lot of others add their +1, maybe it could get some attention at some point.

07/07/12 11:07:48 changed by Anonymous

would help? it seems they have a more detailed json summary.