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Version 2 (modified by larsivi, 17 years ago)
Fixed import

Example showing use of the ArgParser class

The example is put into public domain by Lars Ivar Igesund


        Illustrates use of the tango.text.ArgParser class. It shows the
        different ways of binding parameters, and also shows some more
        advanced use by loading arguments from a file using


import tango.util.ArgParser;
import tango.text.LineIterator;

void main(char[][] args)
    char[][] fileList;
    char[] responseFile = null;
    char[] varx = null;
    bool coolAction = false;
    bool displayHelp = false;
    char[] helpText = "Available options:\n\t\t-h\tthis help\n\t\t-cool-action\tdo
           cool things to your files\n\t\t@filename\tuse filename as a response file 
           with extra arguments\n\t\tall other arguments are handled as files to do 
           cool things with.";

    ArgParser parser = new ArgParser((char[] value,uint ordinal){
        Stdout.format("Added file number {0} to list of files", ordinal).newline;
		fileList ~= value;

	parser.bind("-", "h",{

	parser.bind("-", "cool-action",{

    parser.bind("-", "X=",(char[] value){
        varx = value;
    parser.bindDefault("@",(char[] value, uint ordinal){
        if (ordinal > 0) {
            throw new Exception("Only one response file can be given.");
        responseFile = value;

    if (args.length < 2) {
        Stdout (helpText).newline;

    if (displayHelp) {
        Stdout (helpText).newline;
    else {
        if (responseFile !is null) {
            auto file = new FileConduit(responseFile);
            // create an iterator and bind it to the file
            auto lines = new LineIterator(file);
            // process file one line at a time
            char[][] arguments;
            foreach (line; lines) {
                arguments ~= line;
        if (coolAction) {
            Stdout ("Listing the files to be actioned in a cool way.").newline;
            foreach (id, file; fileList) {
                Stdout.format("{0}. {1}", id + 1, file).newline;
            Stdout ("Cool and secret action performed.").newline;
        if (varx !is null) {
            Stdout.format("User set the X factor to \"{0}\".", varx).newline;