= 0.99.4 Changelog = The commit log is available here: * [log:trunk@2869:3059 Commits since 0.99.3 release], excluding changesets 3047-3049. Breaking changes are documented [wiki:BreakingChanges994 here]. Important changes and fixes (see [/projects/tango/query?status=closed&milestone=0.99.4 full list here]): * #671 Restructure time package * #798 Missing symbol: !GetPixelFormat * #31 Compression library * #124 E,e format specifier is not supported * #566 Formatting more types * #676 Tango Variant implementation issues * #715 using Process.kill deletes all pipes used to read stderr/stdout * #751 linking tango-user-dmd * #768 tango.sys.Process stdout, stderr, and stdin are not selectable * #778 !DateTime doesn't support dates prior to epoch * #786 Let install-dmd build and install the user library * #816 Date formatting lacks a way to return non-0-padded digits * #709 How about stripPattern * #808 Float formatting: lower exponent threshold to switch to scientific format * #192 Array formatting kris enhancement minor Tango * #733 Improvements to !SharedLib