

BSD style: see license.txt


Juan Jose Comellas
class PipeConduit : Device #
Conduit for pipes.
Each PipeConduit can only read or write, depending on the way it has been created.
this(Handle handle, uint bufferSize = DefaultBufferSize) [private] #
Create a PipeConduit with the provided handle and access permissions.


handlehandle of the operating system pipe we will wrap inside the PipeConduit.
styleaccess flags for the pipe (readable, writable, etc.).
bufferSizebuffer size.
~this() [public] #
size_t bufferSize() [public, override] #
Returns the buffer size for the PipeConduit.
char[] toString() [public, override] #
Returns the name of the device.
class Pipe #
Factory class for Pipes.
this(uint bufferSize = DefaultBufferSize) [public] #
Create a Pipe.
this(uint bufferSize, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES * sa) [package] #
Helper constructor for pipes on Windows with non-null security attributes.
PipeConduit sink() [public] #
Return the PipeConduit that you can write to.
PipeConduit source() [public] #
Return the PipeConduit that you can read from.
void error() [private, final] #