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Ticket #60 (new defect)

Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

minor problems on 64bit Ubuntu

Reported by: NNemec Assigned to: somebody
Priority: major Version:
Keywords: Cc:


QtD seems to compile fine on 64bit Ubuntu except for a few minor issues:

* make sure that ia32-libs contains the same version of Qt4 as the installed libqt4-dev (this was not the case for me, resulting in strange linker errors, so I had to do some manual updates

* qtwebkit is not contained in ia32-libs, so this part cannot be compiled at the moment. To deactivate the packages remove the word "WebKit?" in the toplevel CMakeLists.txt file (it is mentioned exactly one time within a set(all_packages ...) directive

(Is there any simply fix for this issues that does not involve completely deactivating webkit?)

Change History

10/17/10 00:12:38 changed by Anonymous

You can switch it off without modifying CMakeLists.txt, but using cmake itself. If you run ccmake, you can toggle this package off. Or use correspondent command line option for cmake.