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template def(char[] name,alias fn,uint MIN_ARGS = NumberOfArgs!(typeof(&fn)),fn_t = typeof(&fn))
Wraps a D function, making it callable from Python.

name The name of the function as it will appear in Python.
fn The function to wrap.
MIN_ARGS The minimum number of arguments this function can accept. For use with functions with default arguments. Defaults to the maximum number of arguments this function supports.
fn_t The function type of the function to wrap. This must be specified if more than one function shares the same name, otherwise the first one defined lexically will be used.

import pyd.pyd;
char[] foo(int i) {
    if (i > 10) {
        return "It's greater than 10!";
    } else {
        return "It's less than 10!";
extern (C)
export void inittestdll() {
    def!("foo", foo);
And in Python:
>>> import testdll
>>> print
It's greater than 10!

PyObject * module_init(char[] name);
Module initialization function. Should be called after the last call to def.