Note: This website is archived. For up-to-date information about D projects and development, please visit
Version 14 (modified by Abscissa, 13 years ago)

Welcome to HaxeD

Aims to compile Haxe code to the D Programming Language (version 2.x).

License: zlib/libpng

OS: Cross-platform. Tested on Windows and Linux.


HaxeD is still in its very early stages.

  • The Haxe preprocessor, HaxePreD, is implemented and usable as either a standalone program or a D library.
  • A GOLD/Goldie grammar for the Haxe language (albeit with a few limitations) is written and available here.

HaxeD itself currently does the following (as either a standalone program or a rudimentary D library):

  • Preprocess and parse given Haxe sources.
  • Automatically do the same for all imported Haxe modules.
  • Output a blank D module for each Haxe module.

Message Board and Issue Tracking

...are right here on DSource.

Source Repository

The source repository is on BitBucket:


Via Mercurial:

hg clone

You'll also need the latest Goldie and SemiTwistDTools trunks (HaxeD is in such an early state that the latest official Goldie release may not be new enough):

On Windows (Linux is similar):

svn co Goldie
svn co SemiTwistDTools
set PATH=%CD%\Goldie;%CD%\SemiTwistDTools;%PATH%
cd SemiTwistDTools
cd ..\goldie
semitwist-stbuild all
cd ..

Then you can download and build HaxeD and HaxePreD:

hg clone
cd haxed
semitwist-stbuild all

Starting Points

For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.