= Welcome to flowerd = [wiki:htmlayout_home HTMLayout] - wrapper for Andrew Fedoniouk's excellent HTMLayout - [http://www.terrainformatica.com/ terrainformatica.com]. This is extremely fast, easy to use and extend, embeddable HTML component.[[BR]] = Status = The current development on the project moved to Sciter. This is HTMLayout with added scripting support. I don't have the time to bother with SVN, so I will attach snapshots here. They are work in progress, so many things inside are incomplete, but the actual Sciter wrapper is in constant use by my projects, so it is actively developed. The HTMLayout wrapper will merge with the Sciter wrapper, but I don't have the time to do it. Contributions are welcomed.[[BR]] Although the project is not actively maintained this is due to lack of interest. The project is still alive and I am developing it actively every day. So if someone is using it and needs updates I can provide them from time to time. Just give me a note (PM in the forum).[[BR]] = Download = Go [http://dsource.org/projects/flowerd/browser/trunk here], click "Zip archive" at the bottom. = Support, bugs, help, etc = Ask in the [http://dsource.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=174 forums]. I will probably not monitor these forums actively, so if you require my attention give me a personal message, please.