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Welcome to Ddbg Continued

Dbg Continued - the project aims to be a successor of ddbg, the debugger for dmd.

Starting Points

Browse Source , then download bin\ddbg.exe.

Quick start

After downloading the executable, run ddbg. Make sure your d sources are the current directory or add the path using sp command.

Running ddbg example : ddbg myexe.exe arg1ofexe arg2ofexe .....

Enter h for help.

Enter r to run the program or ov to start the program and stop on the first line of main.

Enter ov or in or out to step over, step in and step out.

Use = to evaluate an expression. E.g = p

Enter ov 3 to make 3 steps in one go. This works for in too.

r yourfunctionname runs until named function.

q quits the debugger.

Project Status

This Trac project was created in April 2011. The project also appears to have gone dormant in April 2011.