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Version 7 (modified by Gregor, 18 years ago)

Welcome to BCD

BCD stands for Bindings to C[++] in D. Its most notable component is bcd.gen, which generates C or C++ bindings from .h files.

Generated C++ bindings replicate the API of the underlying C++ code, but have a C layer as a gobetween, therefore requir both a D compiler and a C++ compiler. Generated C bindings are simply extern (C)'s and structs, and therefore only require a D compiler.

Getting the source

To get the latest version of bcd.gen:

svn co

To get the latest BCD bindings:

svn co


First, you will need gccxml installed. Its homepage is . You will probably need the CVS version.

To compile bcdgen, just make in the root directory, or make DMD=gdmd to use GDC.

To create a binding, do:

./bcdgen <header file> <D namespace> [-C] [-A] [-I<include prefix>] [other options]

The D namespace is under bcd., so if you use the namespace 'fltk2', for example, the D interfaces will be in bcd.fltk2.*.

-C puts bcd.gen in C mode instead of C++ mode.

-A causes bcd.gen to output all symbols, not just those in the header file specified, which is most useful for metaheaders which #include a number of other ones.

-I changes the #include line in the output C++ file (if you're using C++) to put the specified prefix before the filename.

Note that the generated bindings rarely work immediately, but will require some minor tweaking. Most notably:

  • If the header uses structs that are never actually defined, you will need to add the definition. If it only uses pointers, you can add an empty stub definition.
  • If the header uses struct timeval, you'll have to import std.socket (I blame this oversight on Windows)
  • If you use -A, it may generate unnecessary import lines which will need to be removed (a bug I'm working on)

Current Bindings

BCD is not only a binding generator, but a collection of bindings generated with it. The current bindings are:

  • fltk2 (C++)
    • The example binding, a really well-bound C++ library. Has the exact same interface in D as in C++ :)
  • gtk+ (C)
    • (And friends: atk, cairo, gdk, glib2, pango)
    • It works great. Don't use it. That's what duit is for :)
  • libevent (C)
    • By request, untested. If you use this binding, please post reports here.
  • libxml2 (C)
    • Actually used by the generator itself ... recursive dependencies are good for you.
  • ogg, vorbis (C)
    • Untested except for a basic example program, please post reports here.


I'm using FLTK2 as an example binding, so you'll find incomplete bindings to it in bcd/fltk2

Starting Points

For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.


  • fltk.png (1.9 kB) -A ridiculously simple screenshot of FLTK2 from D., added by Gregor on 05/28/06 22:26:07.
  • gtk2.png (2.9 kB) -Example use of BCD-generated GTK+2 binding, added by Gregor on 05/31/06 22:59:19.